Spiders of
North America (en anglais)
Sarah Rose
Foreword by
Eric R. Eaton
accessible field guide to more than 500 of the most commonly found spider
species in North America
Of the more
than 49,000 species of spider worldwide, some 4,000 are in North America.
Spiders of North America explores more than 500 of the most common and
interesting spiders found in this region of the world. This richly illustrated
guide begins with an overview of spiders—what they are exactly, how they can be
found, how they develop, and why they are important. The book features
information on all the major spider guilds: sensing web weavers, sheet web
weavers, orb web weavers, space web weavers, ambush hunters, ground active
hunters, other active hunters, and spider hunters. Chapters contain accessible
descriptions for identifying members of each spider family, including helpful
tips for distinguishing members of similar families, and details at the genus
and species levels. Stunning color photographs and informative distribution
maps accompany the text.
descriptions for identification of each spider family
detailed macro and in-situ photographs
on all the major spider guilds
distribution maps
Paire de grandes affiches. 50 x 70 cm (20" x 28")Affiches bilingues..
Mini-affiche recto-verso de 25 x 37 cm (10" x 15")Affiche bilingue..
Ce guide est une fenêtre donnant sur le monde des insectes, mieux, c’est une porte grande ouverte in..
Avec ses 2354 espèces répertoriées et plus de 3300 photos couleur, ce guide est la référence pour ..
Cet ouvrage traite de tous les principaux groupes d'insectes. Il s'agit d'un guide facile à utilis..
Insects of North America (En anglais) John C. Abbott and Kendra K. AbbottThe ultimate photog..
Etiquettes : Spiders of North America (en), Spiders of North America